
Website Stuff

How a great website can help realtors sell more houses


elling houses is hard, which is why we make websites instead. Whether you are an experienced realtor with hundreds of homes sold under your belt or a new agent looking to close your first deal, a solid online presence is key to your success. And since we’re a website company, we’re going to tell you a few reason why...

First Impressions Are Everything

The first rule in sales is that people want to buy from people that they like. They want to get to know who the person selling to them, they want to know who YOU are. Only then will they invest a Saturday touring neighborhoods with you. Yes, if you are listing the hottest home in the best neighborhood it doesn’t really matter, somebody is going to make an offer. But, what about for your other listings that aren’t getting as much attention. When the right buyer shows interest in that property, they won’t pull the trigger unless you’re someone they trust.

Taste Test Time: Who Would You Be More Likely to Buy From?

This realtor...

or these gentlemen...


Think of your website as the perfect blend of your resume, your storefront, and your trophy case. A great website will show potential clients that you are professional, and it’ll give them a chance to learn who you are and what it will be like to work with you.  This is also a great place to share with them and buyer or seller tips and documents that will streamline their search.

Your website is a great medium for a longer form bio where clients can get a closer look into who you are, something more than what you’d find on a Facebook bio. If you have nice headshots, use them on your website! People want to be able to put a face to the name. You’ll also want to highlight your accomplishments and major deals. All of these elements are working together on your website to help build trust, instantly.

Make Your Listings Stand Out

Sure, everyone is using the popular home finder apps like Zillow, Trulia and Redfin. You should definitely have any of your listings posted there. But, how many of those can you scroll through before you want to chuck your computer out the window and give decide to just live in your car?


Sometimes people want to dig deeper into a home. And if they already like and trust you, then they’ll want to easily see what other listings you have available in case their first choice isn’t a good fit. Showcasing your listings on your website is the best way to give clients a full picture of the home. You can include as many photos and videos of each listing as you want because hey, its your website! Also, with apps like IDX MLS connect, you can pull MLS listings directly to your website for even more exposure.

Once you’ve driven a user to your site to view a listing there, they are now able to view the rest of your site and learn who you are. And, they aren’t looking at all the competing properties out there, you have their full attention.  Keep a contact form easily accessible on your website so they can drop you a line from any page their on and keep the conversation going.

A place to drive marketing traffic

Let's pretend you run an ice cream truck. It's a hot summer, you've spent all this time crafting the perfect tune to attract kids, you've got the best ice cream in town and you have posters everywhere promoting a can't miss special you're running. Are you going to sell more ice cream directing customers to this...

or this?

One of the best ways to generate more interest on a hot property is to create ads for social media and Google. If you’ve spent your whole months marketing budget creating the perfect Facebook ad, but all the traffic from the ad lands on your crumby website from 2005, it’s not going to do much good. With a well optimized site that includes plenty of photos and calls to action you’ll be sure to capitalize on any user that lands on your website from ads.

The point is, a great website is going to be an essential part of your own marketing strategy and it will only increase your ability to connect with potential clients. The millennial generation is reaching the home buying age and in 2019, they’ll expect you to have a polished website if you want their business. This is the age of the internet after all.

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